Dealing With Cracked Teeth

Fractures or cracks in teeth occur with all ages, although they are more present in those above the age of 25. They can be very painful, hard to diagnose, yet sometimes easy to treat. Diagnosing cracks and fractures can be difficult matter in some extent, because it may not be visible through naked eyes. X-rays may reveal underlying decay or cracks in fillings, but rarely show the most common type of cracks. Incomplete cracks may only be revealed by removing a filling and viewing the tooth internally. This may prevent the need for a later root canal or even worse, possible tooth removal. The crack lines may be vertical or horizontal or oblique, depending on the stresses applied to the tooth.

Types of Cracked Teeth

��         oblique supragingival fracture

��         oblique subgingival fracture

��         The oblique root fracture

��         Vertical apical root fractures

To overcome with cracked Teeth

If you visit your dentist on a regular basis, he will check for cracked teeth.�� Without visiting the dentist, it is impossible to tell whether or not you have a cracked tooth.�� Most cracked occurs below the gums, and you won’t be able to see them.�� If the cracked exists in the tooth, dentist will be able to recognize it with modern instruments and technology available in present. If you notice or feel pain in your tooth it may be due to cracked tooth, in this situation you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately.








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